BOD Minutes_01-20-2024

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Date: Saturday, January 20, 2024
Time: Following Annual Membership Meeting
Place: Lakeside Baptist Church
Location: 15891 E. Highway 12, Rogers AR 72756
Zoom Link:

Passcode: BLFD2024!

Note: The Board Meeting starts at the 1 hour 25 minute mark.
1. CALL TO ORDER – Following Annual Membership Meeting
1.1. Directors attending in person: Jeff Easley, Monte Gagliardi, Curtis Hathcock, Jerry Hudlow, Kelly
Lewis, Gisela Mejia, Ronda Pegram, Larry Smith, Laura Tucker, Todd Weber (10 of 10)
1.2. Special Board members attending in person: Chief Dusty Qualls, Justin Stanbery (2 of 2)
1.3. Attending via Video: None
1.4. Absent: None.
1.5. Quorum Status. Requirement met. 10 of 10 directors present.
2. Announcements. None.
3. Disposition of Previous Meeting Minutes.
3.1. Review Board of Directors Meeting Minutes for December 12, 2023.
3.2. Call for motion to approve acceptance of record for Minutes documents. Motion made by
Curtis Hathcock to approve BOD December Minutes. Seconded by Monte Gagliardi.
Motion approved by unanimous voice vote.
4. Open to Public Comments. No comments presented by the general audience.
5. Reports of Officers
5.1. Fire Chief Operations Report.
5.1.1. Dusty wanted to reiterate that BLFD currently has 2 Live-in Program Volunteer Firefighters
residing at Station 2 on Grimes. There is 1 Live-in Volunteer Firefighter at Station 1. This
program has the best return value for BLFD due to a limited number of persons interested
in the volunteer program that currently live within the service area of BLFD. There are 4 to
5 people that have shown an interest in volunteering that will potentially form the core of
developing the volunteer program this next year. Recognition to Pafford for helping make
this program work.
5.1.2. Replacement of Vehicle #1252 (Tahoe) to be considered later in the year. Vehicle does not
meet BLFD’s needs. He would like this to be high on the priority list when funding becomes
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available. Replacement vehicle would be more of a utility style vehicle with compartments
capable of carrying more response equipment. Note, not a pickup truck, but definitely crew
cab capable.
5.1.3. Highway 12 Corridor firefighting department. Just want to open for discussion and future
consideration of such an organization. There is no timeline for goals but want to see where
discussions might produce progress. The 3 fire departments (BLFD, Rocky Branch FD, and
Piney Point FD) have brought this up for consideration previously. No formal or genuine
resources have been applied on such a project. However, the Fire Chiefs believe it is an
extremely viable project for the future.
5.1.4. Building Maintenance. There is work needed to continue getting buildings into better
condition. Firefighters have been doing painting and cleaning up.
5.1.5. Monte asked for a summary of how the extra 833 funding came about. Laura briefed on
how her work with the books and discussion with other departments led to submitting
applications for funds which got approved. This is part of a program that ends in 2024.
5.1.6. Boat Replacement Project. The chief would like to start looking into acquiring a
replacement boat for the one we sold Continuation of Annual meeting comments.
5.2. President’s Report. Continuation of Annual meeting comments, if needed. No additions.
5.3. Treasurer’s Report. Continuation of Annual meeting comments, if needed.
5.3.1. Review Monthly Financial Documents. Laura presented an updated P & L for approval. She
added new numbers to budgeting categories to help with tracking.
5.3.2. Curtis Hathcock made a motion to approve monthly Balance sheets, P &L, and Budget
review documents for December and end of 2023 year. Larry Smith seconded the
motion. Motion approved by unanimous voice vote.
5.4. Secretary’s Report.
5.4.1. The Report required for submission by Arkansas Code Annotated § 14-20-108 (g) (1) (a)
concerning collection of dues was submitted and filed with the Benton County Clerk on
December 13, 2023.
5.4.2. A copy of the current BLFD Bylaws filed with Benton County on July 8, 2019, and a sample
copy of how the BLFD Bylaws can be reformatted along with suggested changes provided
thus far has been sent to each director. Moving forward during the review process,
Directors can provide input in any format they wish for me to incorporate and highlight for
discussion at future meetings. Upon guidance from the Chairman and President I will
finalize format and changes to a draft document which will then be voted upon for approval
by the Board. In accordance with current BLFD Bylaws, Article XI, the approved changed
Bylaws will require a two-thirds majority vote of the Board.
6. Reports of Committees – No updates from committees on any new activity.
7. Old Business
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7.1. EMS Contract. The new contract has been in effect since December 28, 2023.
7.2. Benton County Assessors & Collectors Dues Validation. Per paragraph 6.4.1, his item has been
7.3. FY 2024 Budget Review/Adjustment.
7.3.1. This item is being added as a perpetual item of business to allow for insure optimal
transparency of financial business.
7.4. BLFD Bylaws Review/Update/Amendment. Refer to Secretary’s Report in paragraph 6.4.2
7.5. Beaver Lake Fire Department Non-Profit Organization Status {501 (c) (4) vs. 501 (c) (3)}
7.5.1. Last reviewed during Board meeting in February 2023. No new information is available
currently. Laura Tucker has said she is willing to take the lead on pursuing research and
action required or potentially desired to address this issue.
7.5.2. Recommendation was made to put this on hold pending further development of the
Highway 12 Corridor project.
8. New Business.
8.1. Proposal for RESOLUTION 2024-F-0001. To streamline daily operations consideration needs to
be given to rewriting RESOLUTION 2023-F-0001 so it can be applied to any banking institution
relationship established by BLFD. Recommendation is to make new resolution be more generic
and not specifically name a banking institution in the resolution. Curtis Hathcock, Secretary of
the Board read resolution presented motion to approve RESOLUTION 2024-F-001,
Authority to Conduct General Banking. Motion approved by unanimous voice vote.
9. Other Business.
9.1. Major Donation effort update. The members and community serviced by BLFD surpassed the
requirements needed to realize a generous matching donation for the fire department. A sincere
thank you and appreciation from all who made such a goal attainable.
9.2. Board of Directors Officer positions Election to take place during next board meeting.
9.3. Next Board Meeting scheduled for February 13, 2024, at BLFD Fire Station 1, 16035 Cypress LN,
Rogers AR 72756.
9.4. Adjournment. Motion to Adjourn made by Justin Stanbery, seconded by Monte Gagliardi.
Motion approved by unanimous voice vote.
SUBMITTED BY: Curtis Hathcock, Board Secretary

Beaver Lake Fire Department

Station 1:

16035 Cypress Ln.
Rogers, Arkansas 72756

Station 2:

8944 Grimes Dr.
Rogers, Arkansas 72756

Main Office: +1.479.925.2082
Chief Dusty Qualls
Controlled Burning: +1.479.271.1005

© [#this year :%Y] Beaver Lake Fire Department